Monday, April 06, 2009

In recent news...

We've now got 4 guppies that live with the frogs. We were in the neighbourhood, stopped in at Big Al's on a whim and brought home 4 new friends: Carl, Siggy, Ivar, and Burrhus Frederic (name that theme!). They frogs-especially 8 year old Nelson-were a little unsure of what was happening in their world but seem to be adjusting. They have mini conch-type shells in the aquarium and the frogs make good use of hiding in them.

I finished my first ever sock monkey for the nephew's first birthday. I delivered it today...2 days late. Those things aren't as easy as they look! I forgot to take a picture of the monkey and our nephew but I'll put it on the "To Do" list with the rest of it. Baby boy's birthday was beautiful and busy with bountiful booty (I do adore alliteration:). That's what happens when your family could pass as the population of a small African country.

My man and myself are looking forward to a night in Birch Bay this weekend. I am ecstatic for a change in venue, the prospect of delicious wine for few clams, and the ocean. Just a few more days and we'll be running for the border.

Ahh, I can hear the power-hungry, joyous border gaurds even now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh make me laugh!! Thank-you so much for loving my son and making me your mother-in-law!!

4:44 a.m., April 07, 2009  

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