Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Here's to you Hoppy

Well, as requested I have a frog story. Not a good one. Not a happy one. But a frog story. First I guess I should let you all know that Nelson and Xena are doing well. Really enjoying their larger tank and playing around the bridge in there.

Now for the actual story. Last week I was driving down a country road late at night with a friend. We were singing along with the CD, laughing, having a great evening. There aren't very many streetlights down this road, not many at all, which makes your view of the road ahead subject to your headlights. So there we are, merrily driving when out of no where a frog starts hopping across the street. Except he had just entered my headlights which meant we were close...too close. I screamed-the thought of roadkill does this to me-and swerved. My friend assurred me that our frog friend, Hoppy, had hopped right across the road to safety. But it was a different story on the ride back up the road after dropping my friend off. On the way back up the road I had to make a phone call and inform my friend that dear Hoppy, in fact, had not made it. Now I loved biology in highschool and I've disected things like an earthworm, a grasshoper, a starfish, squid, 2 fetal pigs, and even a frog. But disecting something and running over it are two different things. I'd like to do less of the latter in the future.


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