Sunday, January 08, 2006

The Ghetto Coup

So today I figured out why my car has been going through so much antifreeze (antiboil if you're of the American sort). I should have known. I think it's the second, or maybe third time, it's happened. My heater core is gone. Adding up my car expenses of the last month makes my head swim. Set of new tires ($500), re-built starter ($250+ the towing bill), and now the heater core (estimated $400, hoping the price hasn't gone up over the last couple of years).

I'm in a little shock but trying to hang onto the mindset of being thankful to God that I still have a car that works. To be thankful in the midst of trials is not something one is born is something one has to develop. Thankfulness, like love, is a choice. You don't always "feel" it but you can always choose it. I'm struggling right now because in the midst of all this going on I endeavor to find and acknowlege the ways God is blessing me but in my weak flesh I can get so side-tracked by these eternally insignificant happens. Today I will choose to be thankful for the breathe I have been granted today when so many have ceased to be. I will choose to be thankful for my car because many people around my town have to ride stolen bicycles. I am thankful for the blessings of relationships with my family and my friends. And I am ever thankful for the God who loves me and is faithful to me beyond measure or reason. Lord fortify me and make me strong in spirit.


Blogger Todd Bee said...

but look at all the knowledge you have about your car now, pretty soon whatever goes wrong you'll be able to pull over and fix the problem with a belt and a hammer

9:39 a.m., January 10, 2006  
Blogger Lindsey and Mike said...

I'll basically be the girl and car version of McGuyver and, hey, everybody loves him so it's not all bad;) I could use a bobby pin and toe ring to fix any car bind. It'll be my trademark.

12:01 a.m., January 11, 2006  
Blogger heather said...

if you could use a bobby pin and toe ring to fix any car bind, you'd be the coolest person who ever lived, so basically, get on that.

that being said, it makes me sad about your car.

4:56 p.m., January 11, 2006  

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