Tuesday, November 22, 2005

And this I know for sure

  • Sometimes chicken smells like things that aren't chicken but people will eat it anyways.
  • If you put your tongue on a metal pole at a ski hill it won't always stick but it will be gross.
  • Coffee is a good idea no matter the time or the place or the company you are keeping.
  • Viewing a person through the lense that they are just a broken human creation like myself helps me to tolerate them more...and sometimes even like them a little.
  • I'm bound to eat at least a little slice of humble pie each day.
  • I'm bound to say something each day that makes me wish the filter on my brain worked better.
  • I'm bound to do something each day that some others would probably find mortifying but that I've grown accustomed to laughing off.
  • The only thing worry does is steal precious time from me and gives me a physical pain in my chest.
  • It all works out in the end and that's never in thanks to any efforts I might have made.
  • When you wake up the morning after your first trip to the mountain during the snow season you're going to be at least a little sore.
  • Ibuprofen covers multitudes of adventure that you've put your body through.
  • A broken-in pair of flip-flops and jeans, coupled with a comfie hoodie, can make a bad day a little brighter.
  • I'd like to receive flowers more often...heck, I'd like to get them at all.
  • I can never not think of nothing (a.k.a. something is always on my mind).
  • I count my family and friends as my most precious possesions. They are purveyors of unique, each contributing something special. Each one fearfully and wonderfully made.
  • I will never fully know-not even close-the extent of God's faithfulness to me, nor can I ever understand it.
  • Sometimes bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people and there's no reason for it, it just sucks.
  • Nothing compares to fresh pineapple.
  • I love the wind.
  • Life stops for no one so we've got to keep moving. Got to keep picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves off, and moving.
  • There's always more to come.


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