Sunday, October 04, 2009

Picture Update

So, one weekend in August we headed up to Whistler with some fab friends for a couple of birthdays and for, what one of them coined as, "Xavier Love Fest". And love we did. What a weekend!

I love fall. I love Hallowe'en. I love finding the right costume. Luckily when we headed south Labour Day long weekend, Target already had a slew of Halowe'en garb out. This bee costume was incredibly comfortable. So puffy I wanted to have a nap in it.

I loved this one too. It was made even better by the fact that it was hanging right next to a gorilla costume. If they hadn't been $50+ each, Hallowe'en might have looked a lot like this.

We went down to the States on the Thursday of Labour Day long weekend and stayed at Mike's aunt's trailer at Birch Bay. This is what we woke up to Friday morning on the newly built deck and I was a little sad that our time there was so short.

This was my 5th, Mike's 4th, year at Dave. And it rained. As we left for the concert. Being without jackets (it had never rained before!) we headed into the next town earlier in the day to find ponchos. Here we are in the parking lot/field being poncho goblins.

And here we have Michelle, Heather and Amanda raising a bottle for Dave in the parking field.

After the first act-some kind of bluegrass greatness-and then G-Love and Special Sauce, the rain let up and a rainbow appeared. You can't see it in this pic, but for a short while there was a double rainbow.

Here we all are. The rain let up and we tore off our rain gear. Have you ever tried to do your thing in an outhouse while wearing a giant American poncho? I don't recommend it.

And there was a whole lot of Dave goodness. Amazing set and this year Dave spoke really clearly (that doesn't always/rarely happens). The DMB weekend is always bittersweet. We look forward to it all summer but when it comes, it signals the end of summer and all the mayhem that it brings.

And now, September seems to have slipped by all too quickly and we find ourselves well into fall. Next thing we know, Christmas will be knocking on our doorstep.


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