Friday, February 10, 2006

I got sunshine

Ahh, not much to report as of late. Highlights have included the last Manor Party, singing for the first time at my church, my first Super Bowl party, and going to the beach a few days 10pm. Talk about cold. Today I am loving the sunshine. L-o-v-i-n-g it. High of 14 low of -2. February, very unlike January, has been rocking the kasba.

February is pregnant with possibilities and potential mischeif. Single's Awareness Day is coming up in t-minus 4 days. I have to admit that I'm actually feeling pretty unphased by the impending V-day. It's mostly just a good time to be part of a made-up holiday-Single's Awareness Day, that is...I fully recognize the institution of Valentine's Day that turns a cute $12 bouquet of a dozen roses into the monstrosity of $30+ to buy a dozen roses that represent one's undying love. FYI for all you men out there: roses are not even my favorite. Although, if that's what you come up with, I'm definately not oppossed to receiving them:)

And my Quarter-Century Crisis is more quickly approaching. This event was formerly known as my birthday. That's before I was about to turn a quarter of a century old. I haven't been so affected by a birthday until this one. It's like a giant centipede charging at you in stiletto's down a beach. It's exciting and frightening all at the same time. Exciting because that's a lot of shoes. Frightening because, hey, it's a giant centipede.

In any case, "Celebrate, I will. For life is short but sweet for certain." (ohhh Dave)


Blogger Sylvia said...

ah, the v-day...i hope that it is as enjoyable for you as it will be for me, my day off!

6:51 p.m., February 11, 2006  

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