Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's October and the sun is all shiny-like and giving a little heat. This means that soon the leaves will be crunchy and I shall smash them with my mighty flip-flops! I've very much appreciated the lack of rain. Beacuase of it, my feet have been unusually dry for this time of year. I only wish I had a hammock to curl up in with a blanket and some hot tea to nap. Oh, and right before that happened I would have to win the lottery so I could spend my afternoons napping in hammocks. I should start playing.

Other than day-dreaming, we celebrated Thanksgiving a week late with both of our families (Mike's on Saturday and mine on Sunday). Gosh, I love turkey! There were also a couple of friend's birthdays celebrated this weekend...always a good time. Our Hallowe'en costumes have finally been decided and now we just need to grab a few things to get them in order.

The timer is buzzing on the oven (just making my man cookies) so I should grab them before they mutate into blackened pucks.


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