Tuesday, May 24, 2005

You in the back, please raise your clawr...

Saturday, enter the Cloverdale Rodeo. Another highly entertaining day spent with friends. We caught the rodeo events-bronc riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, barrell racing, bull riding and the like-and then headed back to our friend's house to celebrate a couple of birthdays. 5 of us spent a least a good couple hours in the hot tub, talking about politics and the state of the world, the Bible, and ending by trading funny and crazy stories about our childhoods and early teen years. We finally dragged ourselves out around 2:40a.m.

Apparently Derek and James went to bed and slept like rocks. For Christina, Lindsay and I it was a bit of different story. 3 of us in a double bed, dileriously making shadow puppets on the wall. And when I say shadow puppets I only wish we could have made impressive animals like giraffes or, at the very least, a dog. But when I say shadow puppets I mean we merely raised our hands into the glow of the street light outside the bedroom window and proceeded to sing made-up-on-the-spot, 3 part a capella songs with our hands. Lindsay introduced us to the "clawr". Think about a pirate saying "claw" and you'll have a better understanding of what a clawr is. And we raised our clawrs high and proud in our over-tired delerium, knowing that morning would be dawning soon and these late night shinanigans might make it painful when it did. Ladies, let me just say "fawr-lawr-lawr-lawr-lawr, lawr-lawr-lawr-CLAWR!"

When all was said and done we managed to get a couple hours of sleep, awaking in time to make it to the legion for their rodeo breakfast before we headed off to cowboy church. I downed coffee that day like I hadn't in a while. I am thankful to Derek and Brooke for opening their home to us and being the masterminds behind it all (thanks guys!). And I am so grateful for the wealth of rich blessing that my family and friends are in my life.


Blogger Lindsey and Mike said...

AY, seriously, you rock the free world. No joke. So so glad we could share in the clawrrr experience together. Hey, don't do anything I wouldn't do, so if you think the situation calls for it, by all means ask the child in the back to please raise his clawr. Hand would obviously be inappropriate if he's sporting a clawr.

10:15 p.m., May 26, 2005  

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