Speaking of the shelter...
Yesterday I was out and about combing the town for 2 kazoos. You would not believe how hard it is to find kazoos. What do people put in their child's loot bag at birthday parties nowadays? For crying out loud, I went to 3 loonie stores, Save-On-Foods, Zeller's, and Superstore before I found a pack of 5 kazoos for $1.39 at a 4th loonie store! You'd think I was looking for someone to donate a liver. I think that would have been easier.
While I was wandering through the mall with my Mom, I heard someone say "Lindsey!" and I turned around to see a former client of the shelter that I had worked at. We chatted for a couple of minutes and he looked fantastic! My last week working at the shelter he had gone into a treatment facility and I was so hopeful and excited for him because he was one of my favorites. It had been so heart-breaking to watch his deterioration from an artistic man with a soft and open heart that I had built a relationship with to the angry, tired, smelly, thinning, hardly-functioning mess he had become. For me, it was one of the times at the shelter when my heart ached so much that-in my short-sighted humanness-I had to ask God "why". He (the client) completed the 3 month program and is now out and appears to be doing well. It made me miss working at the shelter. It was by no means an easy job and there were days when I had had enough and just wanted to quit and walk away. But I miss the people there, I miss building relationships with them, I just miss something about it that I cannot quite put into words. But I will steal a bit of verse that I now love that a friend posted on his blog (thanks Jon):
While I was wandering through the mall with my Mom, I heard someone say "Lindsey!" and I turned around to see a former client of the shelter that I had worked at. We chatted for a couple of minutes and he looked fantastic! My last week working at the shelter he had gone into a treatment facility and I was so hopeful and excited for him because he was one of my favorites. It had been so heart-breaking to watch his deterioration from an artistic man with a soft and open heart that I had built a relationship with to the angry, tired, smelly, thinning, hardly-functioning mess he had become. For me, it was one of the times at the shelter when my heart ached so much that-in my short-sighted humanness-I had to ask God "why". He (the client) completed the 3 month program and is now out and appears to be doing well. It made me miss working at the shelter. It was by no means an easy job and there were days when I had had enough and just wanted to quit and walk away. But I miss the people there, I miss building relationships with them, I just miss something about it that I cannot quite put into words. But I will steal a bit of verse that I now love that a friend posted on his blog (thanks Jon):
Some wish to live within the sound
Of Church or Chapel Bell.
I want to run a rescue shop
within a yard of Hell.
C.T. Studd
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