Monday, December 11, 2006

City Sidewalks, Busy Sidewalks

Well, tonight I'm biting the bullet...I'm stepping foot into a mall. It's December 11th and I haven't done one cotton-pickin' speck of Christmas shopping. At this point in the game I like to use the "get in/get out" method. There is no room for just browsing anymore. Those days were left back in summer when you go to the mall for some air-conditioning. Even then you probably headed for a movie instead. I'm a little fearful of the state the mall will be in. And I'm actually just going to help my Mom find a few things. So I'll actually be doing some inadvertant browsing. Either way, this could be the thing that finally breaks the thread my sanity has been hinging on. Probably not, but Christmas shopping conditions can be quite drastic.

This year I've apparently been hard to buy for (so say my parents and a couple of others). I always thought I was generally easy to buy for but now I see that I'm mistaken. The apparent problem lies in the fact that I haven't requested one thing this year. It's not that I'm trying to be difficult, there's just not much that I'm lusting after this year and I truly believe I'll be pleased as punch to receive whatever I get.

It's times like these that I wish I knew exactly what a hot totty was because it sounds like the type of thing you would drink on a blustery night such as this after doing Christmas shopping. Then again, it could be as gross as that other holiday drink that I've heard of, buttered rum. Never had it but was told I never should.

Now the real "I just about pulled my hair out" situation: I've decided that I should actually make some of my Christmas cards. I told myself I wouldn't do this to myself this year but I got a moment of inspiration and I just feel like I have to act on it now. I've also got a package of 'just incase this goes awry' cards that I can pull out in a pinch. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm feeling crafty.


Blogger Michelle said...

I think it's hot "toddy" but I also think it is the same as hot buttered rum so what do I know?! LOL I like hot buttered rum. It depends whose version you have.

Well I just googled hot toddy and apparently it is whisky or brandy with honey, lemon and water. Ick.

As far as shopping I only made it to Shoppers DM and Superstore and that was enough for me. It's insane I tell you and people are just so rude!

4:38 p.m., December 11, 2006  
Blogger Mike H said...

You're crafty, and just my type.


5:35 p.m., December 11, 2006  
Blogger Magnificent M said...

oh you two!!! stop the sweetness!

I have to say the hot toddy sound gross. Stella likes to venture out and try nasty drinks like that when we go out... She orders it, we groan and moan about the smell and then she manages to drink small watered down amounts.

I've never had buttered rum... the buttered part sounds good but not the rum.

7:00 a.m., December 12, 2006  

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