Thursday, April 06, 2006

For Your Information

I just thought that you should know that Ruth-Tracker extraordinaire, known by many, loved by probably just me-is on her way out. Sure, we've all seen it coming. You can hear it in the way her engine no longer purrs. It sounds more like she has Tourrette's. My Tracker doesn't park, it lands.

If someone else drives it without me, they are required to sit through a lecture on the art of how exactly to get it into gear. The delicate dance of gas, brake, and 2nd and drive...even though she's an automatic. If someone else drives it with me they are only required to listen carefully and act with cat-like reflexes to commands of "easy on the gas", hit the brakes!", "now floor it!!!" all whelst I work the gear shift. It's not driving, it's an art form.

And the dear transmission. Ruth has a built-in massage feature. Some others of you out there may refer to it as "idling". Now besides the transmission going, the intake manifold needs new gaskets (something about air leaking in or out) and one of the pistons has stopped working due to the fact that part of a sparkplug broke off and ruined it. Oh, but $286 later, the front oil seal has been fixed. Whew! That was a close one!

I was trying to make Ruth last until September when I was going to look into a new vehicle but our mechanic has given her a couple of months so the search is beginning a little earlier than I would like it to. But then again, I'm not the One incharge here. Ruth is getting old. I've had her since 1998 but she's a 1992. I'm looking at 8 years of memories all rolled up in one car! The trips to Seattle and Tacoma, her recent trip to the Island, all the times we've been lost in Vancouver, the dance parties, the late night talks, the aimless driving, frozen locks in Langley, "kidnappings" and all sorts of late night mayhem, drive-in movies, and all the topless adventures you could shake a stick at (relax, remember that my Tracker is a soft-top convertable). So if I were you I'd start signing up for your last Tracker adventure as soon as possible.

Folks, this is a limited time offer.


Blogger Sara said...

That's sad saying goodbye to your good friend Ruth Tracker. My blue Honda didn't last nearly that long, but at least I was able to pawn mine off to BOTH my sisters.

Good luck finding a sweet ride...

3:00 p.m., April 06, 2006  
Blogger heather said...

oh man. i remember the day you came to church and made me go out and see your sweet new ride. i feel old. and sad. but excited at the new possibilities...

4:52 p.m., April 06, 2006  
Blogger Amanda said...

once you have your new pimpmobile, if you ever feel sad and miss Ruth, maybe just give me a call! Suzi might not be Ruth, but she's hot too and likes to go topless.

10:18 p.m., April 06, 2006  
Blogger Todd Bee said...

you forgot about macdonalds bags festering in the backseat and the countless near misses!

3:56 p.m., April 07, 2006  
Blogger Lindsey and Mike said...

You don't forget something like store it up in the form of McD's ketchup packs awaiting their final fate as large letters and, later, a large smear on your windsheild. But you never, ever forget;)

6:24 p.m., April 07, 2006  

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