Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Check out my lucky fin guys

All is well-and some spectacular, resplendent, and not the least bit wane-on the westcoastern front. Things in the past few days have ranged from the mundane to the divine. The mundane has consisted mostly of the fact that my sinus infection seems to be breaking up after an entire month and $150 of antibiotics. Thanks for nothing modern medicine.

Heather and I hiked Minnekhada Park on Sunday. That was the cat's meow. We later followed that up with a concert of sorts and then nachos in White Rock. The Adventure Girls struck again on Monday when we took in the splendor of the ocean as we walked around Rocky Point. I scared 2 children and Heather scared 1. It's what we do. We also watch movies like Grizzly Man and laugh histerically throughout while eating curried couscous.

Sunday contained divine happenings. We held a preliminary interview for a position in our inner most circle of friends. It was the 2nd of the weekend, but we'll have to save the other for another time, least I be killed or kicked. The audition was held over brunch and he faired well. There are plans in the works for future endeavors. I hope this one doesn't end up fired. He's aware that not everyone makes it though, and that's an advantage that he has over those that have come before him because, as the Adventure Girls say: "People that hang out with blonde tarts don't hang out with us".

It was a weekend rich with quotes. I've stolen a bunch that Heather's already posted, but that doesn't make them any less valuable:
"This pagan paper is molesting my printer!"
"I'm gonna listen to Crash and take a hot bath"
"Maybe he would look more like a leprechaun"
"Excuse me, I need some more Christian staplers"
"Wow, someone just touched him where he wasn't expecting it"
"Even when he walks, he just looks like he's practicing farting!"
"So is that like a transvestite name?"
(singing)"Cause I pulled a Jonah and got swallowed by a whale"
"Check out my lucky fin guys..."
"And all he had was a guitar to cover his... special place..."

And a couple of my own:
"I'm just going to pick something to hate and get angry at it"
"This just came out of her bum...it's her life...this was just inside of her!" (from Grizzly Man)
"Stop touching my feet!"

Until more adventures creep my way, I bid you all adieu.


Blogger heather said...

you bet you'd be killed or kicked. Sorry about your bruise by the way.

6:52 p.m., March 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't forget about the coca cola

5:51 p.m., March 20, 2006  

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