Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holy Toast!

Well, the antibiotics for my ear infection have been giving me a headache and making me feel barfy. It's a trade off, I suppose. Only a couple of days left.

Working nights for a month has resulted in a burn-out (hence the ear infection) and now I'm left dragging my butt around during the day. I can't wait for Christmas morning so I can sleep in:)

Tonight Mike and I are braving the mall in search of Christmas presents. We only have a couple of things to get, no big deal...I can't wait to see all the frenzied shoppers:)

Today at Winners I picked up this great piece of Christian-type kitch. I couldn't resist. It's called "Miracle Toast". It's a bread stamper and you stamp the bread with it and then put the slice in the toaster and when the toast comes out you have your very own piece of miracle toast with the Virgin Mary on it! Nothing starts your day off right like a little miracle in your toaster. I think I'll try slipping a piece in the stack of toast on Christmas morning.


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