Monday, April 24, 2006

Tapp's Talks & Other Tales

So this past weekend Heather and I attended the 11am service at church and let me just say that our senior pastor, Derrick, was on! Instead of taking sermon notes, we took note of his jokes. Hey, God likes to laugh too. It helps that Derrick rocks the Southern accent and is often passionate when he speaks. It also helps that when our church had a catwalk at Easter that he possed on it Charlie's Angels style with me and Heather (see Heather's blog for the picture). And in light of that I bring to you the following quotes:

"What you get from Bill is more like 'Plop...plop...plop'"

"Look at everybody else...they got a right side and a left side!"

"Anybody been sawed in half lately?!"

"Just because he's in spandex doesn't mean he can run."

"It's a carniverous plant. Oh yeah. It's a meat-eater! Yeah! What a plant!"

"You're gonna run in the race? You are? Yeah, for a kilometre you're gonna run the race, then you're gonna CRAWL!!"

"What did Jesus do? He smacked him! No he didn't!?!"

Infact, these past few days have been rich with quotes. I can't remember all of them but Mike-he's tall and that's not all-had a couple of gooders today when he came to visit us...

"You only make one mistake once."

"When people said 'metrosexual' I thought they meant gay people rode buses, but then it was explained to me."

Folks, I'm swimming in a sea of hilarity. No need to save me...I'm willing to go down with this ship.


Blogger heather said...

swimming in a sea of hilarity?!? you know that rhymes righ? i don't know that it's entirely acceptable, although by all accounts it is a true statement. i think it's funny that recently derrick has become the hero of our blogs. i honestly didn't see that coming.

3:31 p.m., April 24, 2006  
Blogger Mike H said...

I literally thought that's what it meant. What can I say? I'm a country mouse. There's a lot of things I didn't really know about until recently.

Too bad 'country mouse' doesn't have an accent. Although I can make 'jacket' come out Minnesotan like it's nobodies business.

9:03 p.m., April 24, 2006  
Blogger MRW said...

What do you call a guy that's outwardly macho, but inwardly metro?


11:45 p.m., April 24, 2006  
Blogger heather said...

mrw - i'm pretty sure that's not an okay thing to say.

12:58 a.m., April 25, 2006  
Blogger MRW said...

I like fruit.

8:41 p.m., April 26, 2006  
Blogger Magnificent M said...

I thought of you last night as I watched "Kicking and Screaming" for the third time. Have you seen it? Will Farrell, drinking excessive amounts of espresso, soccer and meat! Anyways there were lots of catch phrases...

"I'm not crazy! I'm thirsty"

"Break a clavicle on three...1-2-3 BREAK THEIR CLAVICLES!"

its a must watch... particularly after your recent love of soccer experience :-)

12:25 p.m., April 27, 2006  

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