Monday, May 08, 2006

All you can handle

This past week or so has been a blur. One heck of a blur at that. I've had a couple people express their displeasure of checking the blog and finding it sans update so here are some highlights to please the masses.

Heather and I made it through seasons 1, 2, and 4 of Sex and the City this week. I just have to echo Heather's remark down the lines of: "If you can't do it, talk about it." With all that TV watching that also means I got a few touqes knit. Just in time for summer!?

I've mystified several of my friends. It seems that the longer you've known me, the more mystified you are. All this is due to the way I've been rocking the standard. Although on Friday night Heather and Michelle and I came to a point on Sumas Mountain when our fellow companions in huge trucks told us the Kia wouldn't make it so we hopped into the box of their truck-already full with firewood-and proceeded up the mountain. At one point we had to get out and hike and then when we were getting back in on steep a hill my bag weighed me down (I only had one leg in the box, hanging onto the tailgate) and they started driving. After a cry for help Heather decided that I should live a little longer and crawled across the wood to help me. Death: 0. Lindsey: 5ish.

The next night we participated in Mike's birthday celebration. In the words of Mike "Hey-oh!" He's a whole quarter-century's worth of drastic fantastic. Happy Birthday to you!

Sunday was filled with almost too much goodness for real much so that I should probably keep it to point form: ~Church ~Dim sum at Kirin in VanCity with Aussies ~Amazing chopstick holders, courtesy of Kirin and Mike's pockets ~Homage to Anchorman shirt for Mike's birthday (i love Lamp) ~Bowling at the Commodore Lanes with (drunk) Aussies ~Free Frogstone meal thanks to that fantastic waitress (I should find out her name) ~Babysitting kids who are too cute for real life ~Grey's Anatomy (Dr. McDreamy!)

Highlights of this week will probably include Sylvia's birthday dinner and the (girls of the former) Manor Party (does that house have a name yet or should I be getting on that...?). Tune in soon for more random.


Blogger heather said...

i don't even know what to say, but i felt sad that you had no comments yet. i love lamp.

10:41 a.m., May 09, 2006  
Blogger Mike H said...


I can't think of anything either. As soon as I can defrag my brain I'll comment appropriately.

"I'm a nerd, I'm a nerd"

5:19 p.m., May 09, 2006  
Blogger Todd Bee said...

pineapples can be sharp and a little difficult to prepare but the end result is,normally, well worth it

9:18 p.m., May 09, 2006  

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