Saturday, September 23, 2006

Blood, Snow Patrol, and Batman

Well folks, I'm sick. It's not just the regular strep throat sick I was hoping for--this one's going to need more time than that. The throat swab came back negative. Got some blood work done and that solved the mystery but I'll keep you all in the dark a little longer. I will tell you that I have a bad ear infection. Round 2 of antibiotics was started yesterday as it was not responding to the first kind. So as a result, I have no idea how often I'll be blogging. I hope to thrill you with witty antidotes and insightful bits but there's no promises.

Recently, Mike and I took in a concert and our friend Michelle came with some of her friends. The band: Snow Patrol. The concert: awesome. Even the opening band was good. They were called Augustana. Mike and I opted to find some seats while the rest of them stood on the floor. We sat near a spot where a large rubber mat was duct-taped down to the cement floor to cover a bunch of cables and that provided our pre-show entertainment when Mike realized that people were tripping over it.

From then on we watched people and said things like "I really hope the blond one trips!" or "I really want the emo one to trip!" And sometimes they did and that was awesome. Whenever anyone would trip we would explode into laughter. It was so awsome. The best was an emo kid with tight-to-the-ankle black pants, tight black jacket with his hands in his pockets, black emo hair, and a Batman belt-buckle* who tripped in such a way that had us laughing hard and long. And during the concert we saw a girl in heels and a dress bail at the bottom of the stairs and get helped up by a security gaurd (she was ok). We laughed.

Till next time, keep fit and have fun.

*Batman himself is not emo, he is way to hardcore to be emo. At the same time, he also cannot control the sales of his merchandise due to the fact that he is fighting crime with his friends or in his Batcave solving mysterious happenings or speeding somewhere in his hot Batmobile.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man... i love it when people trip

10:32 a.m., September 23, 2006  
Blogger Michelle said...

Man this sickness thing (in all its forms for everyone concerned) is really kicking a lot of butts. I'm so sorry you are feeling so crappy.

btw - I love the Batman disclaimer!

10:45 a.m., September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:34 p.m., September 29, 2006  

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