Monday, March 17, 2008

Return Of The Mac

I haven't had mac and cheese for...years, I think. I can cook and bake all sorts of yummy things-although BBQing is my true passion and forte- but today I hit the mac and cheese wall.

I'm coming down with something that I hope is a cold and so for lunch I went in search of some childhood comfort-ish type food and the mac and cheese found me while I was looking in the pantry. I thought "It's been years, old friend!" I boiled the water, threw the noodles in, set the timer then went to check my e-mail. The box told me to "stir occasionally" but I thought they were just joking. 7 minutes later I came back to find that some of the noodles appeared to fuse with the bottom of the pan. It was still totally edible, just struck me as curious.

Thus my lesson for the day is: The mac and cheese folks are not joking about stirring.


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