Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Movin' and shakin'

This past Saturday I made the trek to Brentwood with Heather and Kim to pick up bridesmaids dresses. What we thought would be a short jaunt nearly devoured our whole day. My un-recommendation of the month: Bryan's Bride...avoid going there, you'll thank me.

Mike moved on Sunday to our basement suite. It's pretty fabulous. I moved a bunch of stuff of mine that was still in boxes from my parents moving in June. I'm glad to see the clutter gone and I think my parents are secretly glad to have that portion of their basement back (although, they say they didn't mind...good to know for future storage needs, should they arise).

And now it seems like the "Wedding Home Stretch" is upon us. My mind is full of favours and programs and who's wearing what and meeting with Mr. Golf Course and Mrs. Decorator and Ms. Take-My-Wedding-Dress-In. Not to mention that Mike's sister should be having a wee one any day now. Busy busy!

And now to finish up that report I was taking a break from...


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