Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If you're smart, you'll light my fire

Today, hilarity prevailed at school.

This morning the children were solving a math equation and one child asked for some help. He figured out the answer and I told him he was right. A minute or two later I heard the same child talking to his friend. The friend was trying to convince him that the answer was something different when said boy told him, mater of factly, that "Miss T says that the answer is 4...and she's way smarter than you!" That made my day...one of the children thinks I'm smart.

Lunch time! I was unpacking my lunch, children are lined up at the microwave. Now back in the day I had a peanut butter and honey sandwhich and I was very content with that. Nowadays you should see the stuff the kids come to school with! I digress. Next thing I know, I hear hysterical screaming and crying coming from the microwave area and I go over to investigate. On route I realize there is smoke pouring out of the microwave and I suspect this is connected to the hysterics. By the time I get there I'm trying to calm the child down and I look inside the microwave to discover 2 very crispy tacquitos, one of which has a black spot in the middle with a pillar of smoke exiting it. I pull it out of the microwave, praying the entire time that it doesn't combust into flames. I salvage one tacquito for the boy and run the other under cold water before I throw it out so it doesn't catch the garbage can on fire. I opened a couple of windows to help the cloud of smoke exit. That's not a good smell. Infact, it's nauseating. A split second after the children exited for recess, I zip my jacket up and start laughing as I exit. I relate to the teacher how funny I think this is now that the threat of fire has ceased and the class smells like a giant bag of burnt popcorn.

It's times like these I'm glad it's a 4 day week. I wonder what tomorrow will hold?


Blogger Michelle said...

Seriously the kids line up to a microwave?! Wow. Maybe if my Mom had packed something cool like that instead of sandwiches I wouldn't have the sandwich aversion I have today.

And, for the record, I think Miss T is way smart too!

5:14 p.m., February 20, 2007  
Blogger Magnificent M said...

ya, sandwiches are a thing of the past. These days kids are too busy eating crap to eat a sandwich. When I visit classrooms I can never get over how many kids eat chips and candybars at lunch time?!! Or don't eat at all! I went to a hippy school so perhaps my education wasn't the norm, but at our school everyone ate a sandwich or something from a thermos and you couldn't go outside until you were done your lunch and the teacher supervised you eating and you NEVER threw your food out and eating time was longer than 10 minutes.

Oh and in my day we walked uphill both ways to school in the pouring rain and sleet and 20 feet of snow... cuz it was rough in my day.

Love the image of the smoking taco...

7:06 p.m., February 20, 2007  
Blogger Sara said...

Yeah, I was a homeschooled/tutored child and sandwiches were rare. To this day I LOVE sandwiches. But I can't believe those Lunchables, etc. Prepared lunches that are o.d.-ing little kids on sodium. But I don't have school-aged children yet so we'll see what cuisin I send my son with. Hopefully nothing that catches on fire.

9:46 p.m., February 20, 2007  
Blogger Mike H said...

The only time I ever got a hot lunch in elementary school was when I walked home. Being a 6 minute walk from school made it easy to want to go home though.

Kids today just don't appreciate the sandwich. I've seen it firsthand, they'd rather share someone elses Lunchable than eat the PB&J sandwich their Mother made for them. Tragic.

11:21 a.m., February 21, 2007  
Blogger Magnificent M said...

Those lunchables... product of the big S perhaps? LOL! We fell prey to the prepared lunch gimmic during a hideous time when life, work, masters degree and personal stuff wore me down. I caved and allowed it. I also allowed crap junk cereal. We have completely bucked both and rely on homemade again. I don't know if I noticed a difference in my kids though. My biggest lifesaver is getting a large pizza when we order and freezing the extra slices individually for a quick lunch on a bad day. That and leftover pasta with sausage or meatballs (low fat president's choice ones are quick and easy) in a thermos are my two quickies.

8:59 a.m., February 23, 2007  
Blogger Sara said...

"Product of the big S?"

Not sure what that means. Greek to me really. Growing up we didn't have money to spend on that sort of stuff. My mom was always really careful on what she bought for lunches, especially since it was for 5. We were not lucky enough to have been spoiled like that... in a way though now I see it as good as that's just not healthy anyways.

12:05 a.m., February 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



mid 1990s (don't even TELL me how old you were then!)

Commuter Lounge

Microwave Popcorn



PS My homeschool kids get good lunches!!

10:48 a.m., February 24, 2007  

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