Monday, April 23, 2007

Weekend at a Glance

It was the best of times, it was the best of was the weekend.

Friday night marked our 10 month-iversary so we grabbed some dinner out and headed to Blades of Glory. John Heder, Will Ferrell, thank you for being vessels through which hilarity can flow. See that movie folks.

Saturday we headed to the 'Ford to see our good friend Heather graduate from college. There were a few of us there (besides her fam) cheering her on and I even got a few pics. Afterward, about 14 of us went to Presto Cucina and enjoyed some yummy lunch in celebration of Heather's achievement. Saturday night Mike and I rented Fast Food Nation. Interesting movie. I think it's worth the watch.

Sunday we picked up the pace. Church in the morning followed by stopping at Timmy Ho's to get lunch to eat in the ferry line-up on our way to Mike's cousin's 14th birhday. Then we left that shindig to pop over to Abbotsford because there was a grocery wedding shower happening for my dear friend Karin. Mike hung out with Karin's fiancee David and watched some classic DVD's while eating cupcakes I made. After the shower was over we all grabbed some eats and hung out at BP. Good times, noodle salad.

And this week is shaping up to be a busy one, yet again. I should really go grab a nap right now. Happy Monday!


Blogger Magnificent M said...

10 monthiversary!!! wow! serious relationship zone ahead!!! I was actually thinking it must be close to a year just the other day. You guys make a great couple!

10:52 p.m., April 24, 2007  

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