Yes, the house that I have spent the last 20 years of my life in was sold as of Wednesday at 9:30pm. I'm excited. We don't have much time to pack. Our move in date is June 22nd/23rd and we hand over the keys to our house to the new owners at 12 noon on June 24th.
I have 20 years of memories and trash to sort through. I should get wine. Last time I had wine it made me far less sentimental and I threw out a tonne. I have things that I think I should have a sentimental attachment to but I really don't. Without wine they sit in my "I would feel guilty if I threw you out" pile and with wine it's the "Hit the bricks!" pile all the way.
We're moving on up!
I have 20 years of memories and trash to sort through. I should get wine. Last time I had wine it made me far less sentimental and I threw out a tonne. I have things that I think I should have a sentimental attachment to but I really don't. Without wine they sit in my "I would feel guilty if I threw you out" pile and with wine it's the "Hit the bricks!" pile all the way.
We're moving on up!
Congratulations! Here's to making memories at a new place and cherishing those from the old. :-D Cheers!
If you need help let me know. I am completely void of sentiment,I love to sort and I can drink wine.
That's exciting but where are you moving to?
Bring on the wine... it is good for so many things! Happy packing!!!
We're still in the same town, just moving east. It's a 1 acre piece of land with stream running through the backyard, room out back for my sister's horses (yes plural, she just bought another yesterday) and a bigger house. The fam is pretty stoked.
I guess we'll have to help you move and hide a little toy somewhere and take pictures of it. Found those pics the other day and laughed. Hard.
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