Monday, September 24, 2007

Love Boat

Let's cut to the chase.

Mike's parents had a bought a one-night cruise from Seattle to Vancouver for Christmas and that happened this past weekend. While we were somewhere inbetween those two destinations, happily bobbing along, things got even happier. Right before dinner Mike took me to the helipad at the back of the ship, dropped down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Back at the restaurant, dinner was a blur. There was much hugging and crying. The crying was mostly me but when Michelle (Just Plain Rocks) and R (Martha Wants to Be Her) showed up with their DH's, there was more crying (don't ever let R tell you she's devoid of compassion ever again...sorry to blow your cover:). The wait staff brought over a cake for the 2 of us and tied our wrists together with a napkin and sang "Let Me Call You Sweetheart". The past couple of days have been a blur of phone calls and squealing and just plain ol' happy.

I am truly blessed. The most wonderful man has made me the happiest girl.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What's the rush?

It seems to me that September is moving awfully quick. September snuck by me while Mike and I were on our Dave Matthews trip (Dave post coming to a computer screen near you soon...waiting on pics). Next thing I know fall is underfoot...literally. I'm taking a walk around my neighbourhood and I'm having a fantastic time crunching leaves with my sole's when the thought occurs: "Crunchy leaves? It's only's almost half gone!". The days are still nice and cozy. Although, I have been caught sporting that same summer wear outside later in the evening and- wah-wah-wee-wah! -it's brisk.

This month has also brought near-completion to the barn in my backyard (5 stalls and gorgeous). Today might be the last day a few men take over my backyard-and early morning sleep-in order to hammer and saw a horse-house. We also have a new addition to our house: a Boxer puppy named Marley. She's my sister's dog. Despite my reservations about a Boxer (I'm still not a fan of the general bread but a fan of Marley only), she's adorable and affectionate and I love her.

I'm looking forward to October, to pumpkins, to more leaves, to cozy drinks, to bundling up in scarves. To Thanksgiving and the idea of "harvest", bringing the fruits of our labours. I might have invited fall a little early: I had my first no whip, non-fat, pumpkin spice latte of the season yesterday. I don't care if it was was delicious!