Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Come and Listen

This past weekend, Saturday May 19th, Mike and I witnessed God's handy work as our friends Karin and David were married. We love them very dearly and couldn't be happier for them. "Come and listen" seemed to be the theme of the wedding, come and listen to what God has done. It was a beautiful ceremony preformed by her brother-in-law. At one point Karin was so excited that she did a bit of a dance move on stage...her brother-in-law thought it was nerves, but she quickly corrected him. Each and every speech at the recpetion was well-worded and executed and spoken in love. How often can you say that? The whole day was truly a celebration of God bringing two people together. The wedding favors were a packet of hot chocolate and 2 Tim Tams with instructions for the Tim Tam Slam and their thanks on the other side...perfect since Dave hails from Australia. It was indeed cause to celebrate!

This week has consisted of me coming home everyday from work and pricing things for our neighboorhood-wide gararge sale this Saturday. I kind of like pricing things. Some part of it is cathartic and relaxing. But on that note, those items in the garage are not pricing themselves. Make me an offer!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mid-Week Review

It's one of those weeks that I can't wait to be over. It's not bad, it's just feeling long. There have been highlights (My man, R and her DH, Shannon, finding an outfit for Karin and David's wedding, coffee, the finance minister sending me a small cheque for overpaying on medicare, and more).

I had a Monday of a Monday: my hairdryer broke in the middle of styling my hair before work (suddenly cold air and the smell of burning), I went to do up my pants and when I grabbed the button it flew off (thanks Old Navy), and a severe headache due to dehydration capped the day off. The neighbor's house has a loose piece of siding that slaps around in the wind, making sleeping with an open window (which I love) a nightmare. If I had a long grabby thing I'd rip it off in the middle of the night...they'd never know. Anyone out there have a long grabby thing they want to lend me? I ripped a nail off pushing a kid at school on the swings. I've been slightly burned everyday at work (it's too hot to wear a jacket of any sort!).

I am doing well, just ready for this week to be done. Last week flew by, this one is dragging like an albatross around a marineer's neck. But I'm halfway through. That means it's closer to my fabulous friend Karin getting married to her marvelous man, David, completing their journey from "us-ness" to "one-ness" (in their words:). I'm very excited for them.

Well, I must be going to coffee with Kirstin, followed by a meeting.

Are we there yet? :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Yes, the house that I have spent the last 20 years of my life in was sold as of Wednesday at 9:30pm. I'm excited. We don't have much time to pack. Our move in date is June 22nd/23rd and we hand over the keys to our house to the new owners at 12 noon on June 24th.

I have 20 years of memories and trash to sort through. I should get wine. Last time I had wine it made me far less sentimental and I threw out a tonne. I have things that I think I should have a sentimental attachment to but I really don't. Without wine they sit in my "I would feel guilty if I threw you out" pile and with wine it's the "Hit the bricks!" pile all the way.

We're moving on up!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Say what?

Not much to report, just felt like blogging.

Heather and Michelle are in Europe. My black softshell jacket went touring Europe with Heather. I hope they are having a blast together.

With the weather the past couple of days, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. I've worn filp flops to work the past 2 days. Yes, through the rain, sunshine, clouds, blue skies and hail my shoes-or lack thereof-have endured. And my feet are oh so happy.

There were a few highlights from Brad's sermon last week that are worth noting. Mike and I actually took notes but they're at his house so I'll just muddle my way through.

-Recounting his first read through the Bible when he identified himself with the Pharisees and thought they were the "good guys": "Hey that's my team! Go Pharisees go! Go Pharisees g--Oh no! My team just killed God!"

-Referred to our brains as "Those 3 pounds of meat between your ears. Or as someone pointed out, it's more like 3 pounds of fat".

Yeah, that's our Brad, banging the gong for Jesus:)