Thursday, March 26, 2009

Christening of the Kicks

Well, I've taken my new shoes out for a walk a few times and they've been christened well.

This weekend, walking with the husband, stepped in some poop. That's when I realized just how "grippy" and "groovy" the bottoms of my sneaks are. Said husband found me a branch to scrap it out. I love that guy.

The other night it was drizzling out but I thought, "It won't get that bad", and absent mindedly left my hood at home. But took Mike's iPod. I strolled alone to Ben Folds with the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra and some DMB Live Trax. Somewhere between the transition of albums the heavens opened up. I was about a 15 minute fast walk from home (all hills around these parts) so I turned some of the hills into runs, fearing for the life of the electronics I was carrying. I made it home, resembling something that had escaped the sewer, but could not manage to turn the iPod off. Mike was in class. I almost gave Heather a call but had already interrupted her birthday dinner once to wish her a happy birthday so I just plugged the sucker into the docking station and left it. Oh, the life of a girl and borrowed electronics.

And here I'm left, all the things I need to get done for work a little over-whelming. Sleep alluding me more often than not these days. And, aside from my constant desire for a nap, oh so happy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've had pet frogs (aquatic) for 8 years and last week Xena died. Mike called me to invite me to coffee with a friend and told me Xena didn't seem to be doing well and he had moved her to our hospital tank but when we got home we found out she hadn't made it. It was sad. I realize she was only a wee frog, but still a pet I had for 8 years. In happier frog news, Nelson is still alive(he's also 8) and we've welcomed Robin and Glenda the frogs and Demetri the zebra snail in a bright, new 5 gallon aquarium.

I've had enough of this weather. I went to the Kintec Lab and spent at least half an hour walking around their store in shoes while they analyzed all the things wrong with my hips/legs/muscles and found some shoes to help me out. Now I just want to get out there for some walks. We took advantage of the nice weather and went for a walk on Sunday. At the end of it all-eureka!-I didn't have shin splints. I love my new kicks. And I love the Kintec Lab. So much so that I went back to spend birthday money on Birkenstocks. Now my feet are more supported and less flip-floppin':)

Church has been fabulous. A little but I hate to use the word "church"--it's so pre-loaded and negative sounding. Must find a different word. I can't believe all the things I'm exploring and learning. Since it's a 40-ish minute drive (gotta stop at 'Bucks on the way), Mike and I have the car ride home to mull it all over and discuss it. It's not that we've found a place that does things "better", it's just that we've had a core theological shift. We continue to journey, wide-eyed, in a new land.