I'm feeling 'blah'. The sun is shining. There have been fabulous moments with amazing people. I even made delicious cocktails last night. I'm just feeling 'blah'. But it's Tuesday (my most dreaded day) so there's hope that I might pull out some sunshine from this week yet.
I've noticed that Tuesday is possibly the worst day of the week. Monday is the start of a new week. Wednesdy is hump-day. Thursday is almost Friday. Friday and Saturday are the weekend. And Sunday starts the anticipation of a new week. Where does this leave Tuesdays? Nowhere. I don't if there's a coffee out there that could fix me up a tolerable Tuesday.
Today I had a good laugh as I left a friend's house. Her young son loves all things that go: trains, cars, buses. If the kid ever makes it onto a plane, I fear he might never get off of it. So, here's how it played out:
Mom: "Go get your shoes on, we're walking to school."
Son: "But, mommy, I want to take the bus."
Mom: "It's a beautiful sunny day, we're going to walk to school and get some exercise because we're all too fat."
Son: "But, mommy, we're not too fat for the bus!"
Love it.