Since before you were born
Now, I think I rememer the fiasco happening during Craig's set. We're sitting on some couches, enjoying various hot beverages and basking in the glow of the large mugs while catching up on each other's days. Behind us are a gaggle of emo kids sitting on their couches and doing emo-esque things...probably crying or something. Hey, I used to love the emo and then it got all weird. If I have to wear pants that tight and dye my hair black to listen to your music, I'm out. And does anyone know the proper term for a gathering of emo kids? Gaggle just seemed appropriate. I digress.
At some point I felt something hit my hair and when I turned around to see what it was (it should have landed by my shoulder) nothing was there. And the emo kids were all turning to take a look too. Then, as I swung my head from side to side, I could feel something in my hair. I'm frantically asking Heather "What is in my hair?", my voice peppered not so much with panic as it was with vexation. It was then she uttered it. She said..."gum". This caused me, in my vexation, to turn around to the emo kids and shout angrily "Which one of you a**es put gum in my hair!!!" Meanwhile, dear Heather keeps having to repeat "Linds, turn around. Linds, turn around so I can get it out." So as I stew Heather removes the offending wad out of my already short locks (these things are extra frightening when you're a girl with semi-short hair). Mike then asks "What's going on?" to which I reply "One of these a**es threw gum in my hair!" Then Mike uses a voice that none of us have been privy to before (he later informed me that it's his power voice) to turn to the emo kids and say "Which one of you is throwing gum?!!" Shortly after a young emo girl comes over and says hurridly "I threw the gum, I didn't mean to hit you, I'm sorry". I say thank you and it's mostly done.
Later I remarked to Heather that it's been about forever since I had gum stuck in my hair...maybe back when I was 6 or 7 years old. She then she brought up the point that, in any case, the last time I got gum stuck in my hair was before any of them were ever born. We chuckled heartily about that one. For any of you out there who may find yourself in a like-situation, Mike advises that oil gets gum out of hair very well. When I was a kid, we believed in something about toothpaste or ice-cubes. I can't remember. It's been awhile. So here I sit finishing this post 3 days later, happy that I didn't have to inflict any nonsense on my hair. Chew responsibly kids!